You use materials that are familiar – but you want to process them in a completely new and less costly way?
You want to experiment with new materials – and expect reliable results?
You want to replace several manufacturing steps – with one single or less manufacturing steps?
You want to use recycled materials – without compromising on quality?
You want to use less dubious substances and connections – and more sustainable ones?
You have an innovative idea – and are looking for a way to produce and hone it until it is marketable?
We understand visions. We work with you to develop concrete solutions and make your ideas marketable. With innovative technology, an in-depth knowledge of materials, molds and machines. And with the strong backing of Teubert Maschinenbau.
Because ATECARMA® is a part of the Teubert Group, an innovation driver and a spin-off with the best connections to institutes and universities.
Because we are inventors and developers like you are. And our technology is one step ahead. We give your manufacturing processes and innovations a competitive edge.
Let’s talk about it.